Uber One
One membership for Uber and Uber Eats. Become a member for savings and exclusive perks.
Sign up for just $9.99/month.
$0 Delivery Fee on eligible food, groceries, and more
Earn 6% Uber One credits on eligible rides
Up to 10% off eligible deliveries and pickup orders
Uber One Exclusives including special offers and promotions
Save on thousands of your favorite restaurants and stores
Cancel anytime without fees or penalties
Members save an average of $25 per month with Uber One*
 Become a member for just $9.99 a month.
Use your benefits wherever Uber and Uber Eats are available within the US.
Uber One may not be available to members on a partner funded pass. Free trial is only available for first time members.
Uber One is a subscription that auto-renews. Your payment method will be charged according to the amount and frequency associated with your chosen membership at sign-up and upon the conclusion of any applicable free trial or promotional period. You can cancel your membership at any time in the Uber One section of the Uber app by selecting Manage Membership, then End Membership. If you cancel less than 24 hours before your next renewal day , you may see a charge that will be automatically refunded (timelines for when charges and refunds appear on your statement depend on your payment provider). You can also contact support to cancel. Except where prohibited by law, your subscription charge is non-refundable once your billing cycle begins.
Benefits available only for eligible stores and rides marked with the Uber One icon. Participating non-grocery stores: $15 minimum order to receive $0 Delivery Fee and up to 10% off. Participating grocery stores: $35 minimum order to receive $0 Delivery Fee & up to 5% off. Taxes and fees, if applicable, do not apply to order minimums or rides benefits. Membership savings applied as a reduction to service fees. Other fees and exclusions may apply.
*Amount you could save based on average savings of members in your country from promos and member pricing. Estimated savings do not include subscription price. Actual savings may vary.
See Membership Terms and Conditions here.