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The basics

How to drive with Uber in Slovakia

Uber is a great way to be your own boss and make money. Here’s what you need to know if you’re driving in Bratislava.

1. Sign up online

Got an email address and a smartphone? Great, now tell us a bit more about yourself and we’ll get you started.

2. Upload your documents

Time for some paperwork. There are a few documents we need to see:

  • ID card or passport
  • Driving license
  • A driver profile photo
    • Must be a forward-facing, centered photo including the driver’s full face and top of shoulders, with no sunglasses
    • Must be a photo only of the driver with no other subject in the frame, well-lit, and in focus. It cannot be a driver’s license photo or other printed photograph

3. Get a license

In order to become partner-driver for Uber, a taxi driver certification is required. If you already have a license, you’re ready to go. If not, we’ll help you through the application process.

Once you obtain the taxi driver licence, you will need to upload it to the documents section.

4. Get a vehicle

Which car is right for you? Make sure it meets our standards in Slovakia, and remember that you’ll make more money if you keep your costs low.

5. Activate your account

If you’ve completed all the above steps, congratulations! You’re ready to activate your account and start making money.

Osobné dokumenty

Partnerským vodičom Uberu sa môže stať každý, kto doplní tieto osobné dokumenty:

  • Predná strana občianskeho preukazu
  • Predná strana vodičského preukazu
  • Preukaz vodiča taxislužby
  • Profilová fotka vodiča
    • Musí byť fotografia spredu, vrátane celej tváre vodiča a vrchu ramien, bez slnečných okuliarov
    • Musí byť fotografia vodiča bez iných osôb, dobre osvetlená a zaostrená. Nesmie to byť fotografia vodičského preukazu alebo inej vytlačenej fotky

Dokumenty k autu

Pokiaľ nemáš svoje vlastné auto, klikni na odkaz nižšie a zisti viac o možnostiach prenájmu áut.
Ak auto už máš, doplň do svojho profilu nasledovné dokumenty:

  • Technický preukaz
  • Povinné zmluvné poistenie
  • Osvedčenie vozidla taxislužby

Koncesia na taxislužbu a IČ DPH

V prípade, že si samostatný vodič a neplánuješ byť zamestnaný taxi flotilou, na spoluprácu s Uberom potrebuješ dodatočně tieto dokumenty:

  • Koncesia na taxislužbu
  • Foto o IČ DPH paragraf 7a

Pokiaľ nemáš koncesiu, môžeš kontaktovať niektorú z našich partnerských flotíl, ktorá zastrešuje vodičov.

Register for VAT (if applicable)

It usually takes 1 to 2 months to complete the VAT registration process. This page walks you through the basics.

To get specific advice about your personal circumstances, you should consult a tax advisor.

The information provided on this web page is intended for informational purposes only and may not be applicable in your country, region, or city. It is subject to change and may be updated without notice.