Delivering cash orders
In certain areas of the world, Uber offers customers a cash payment option. They can pay you in cash instead of being charged automatically within their app.
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In this video, you’ll learn about:
- When and how you’ll be notified of a cash order
- Providing change to your customer
- Service fees
The basics of cash orders
A cash order will look like any other, with a couple of small changes. When you’re picking up an order for a customer who is paying in cash, a cash badge will appear in your app as you get near the destination. When you arrive to deliver the order, your app will show Collect cash at the top.
How cash orders work:
1. Accept the order as you normally would.
2. When you drop off the order, the app will let you know to collect cash from your customer. It’ll show you the amount to collect, too.
3. Customers are encouraged to pay the exact amount, but they may ask you for change in some cases.
Tip from other partners: carry change
Depending on where you live, cash orders may happen often. But regardless of how frequently you collect cash for an order, it’s a good idea to have some change available in case the customer isn’t prepared with their exact amount. If you don’t have correct change for an order, you can leave the food with the customer and then go break change.
Questions from delivery partners
- Are cash orders offered in my area?
Cash payments are becoming available in many areas. You’ll know if they’re part of your local Uber experience as you begin to see them in your app.
- How do I know if a delivery is going to be paid in cash?
Down Small When you complete a delivery, the app will let you know that your customer chose to pay in cash.
- What happens if I forget to collect?
Down Small You’ll always be paid for every delivery. If your customer doesn’t have the money for any reason, or doesn’t have enough, Uber will reimburse you within the app. This is also true if you’ve forgotten to collect cash from your customer.
- What happens if I have a bad connection and I can’t see the final amount?
Down Small If you're having issues with your connection, you can ask your customer how much they owe and verify it on their app screen. If your customer doesn't know the final amount either, don't worry. Let Uber settle it for both of you. Give them their order and then report the incident to us. To do that, tap your profile photo, choose Help, then Trip issues and adjustments, then Issues with my fare. If you're going into an area with an unreliable connection, such as an elevator or underground lot, it's a good idea to take a screenshot of the amount, to show your customer.
- Are there any fees or deductions?
Down Small The usual Uber service fee is deducted from the total, as with all trips. In the case of a cash order, this fee will be deducted from your earnings separately from the cash you take from the customer. There are no other fees for cash orders, and if your customer is using a promotion or has another discount, you’ll be reimbursed for the discount in your earnings.
- What if a customer tries to pay cash for a non-cash delivery?
Down Small The amount they owe will automatically be deducted from their preferred payment method linked to their account, so you can let them know that.
- How will Uber charge my service fee?
Down Small You keep all the cash you collect, and the service fee will be deducted from your overall earnings.
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