Our environmental, social, and governance approach
We envision a future that is more sustainable, equitable, and profitable—not just for us, but also for those who rely on our platform for opportunity. As a global company, we are constantly evaluating risks and opportunities both internal and external. We recognize that various environmental, social, and governance factors can affect our business, and we understand the impact our business can have on society and our stakeholders. By working to align our material ESG priorities with the interests of our business and stakeholders, we aim to apply the appropriate governance, engagement, and thoughtfulness to our approach, which we believe helps enable us to protect and deliver economic value and continual long-term growth.
ESG reporting
Progress starts with taking a serious look at where we stand today and sharing results to drive accountability. Please find our latest reports below.
- Environmental, Social, and Governance
- People and Culture
Down Small - サステナビリティ (持続可能性)
Down Small - 安全対策
Down Small - Government Transparency
Down Small - Political Engagement
Down Small
Driver and courier well-being
Drivers and couriers overwhelmingly choose platform work because they value the flexibility to work when, where, and how they want, as reflected in various surveys conducted across multiple markets.
We continue to advocate for quality platform work that provides independent platform workers with flexibility, fair and transparent earning opportunities, access to social protection and benefits, meaningful representation, and learning and development opportunities.
Environmental sustainability and climate change
Uber is working toward a more sustainable future because it’s the right thing to do for our business, the people who use our platform, and the cities in which we operate.
We continue to publish our progress toward our goals and Uber’s climate impact through our Environmental, Social, and Governance Report and our Climate Assessment and Performance Report.
People and culture
Uber の使命に意欲を感じ、活力を見出す多様な人材を惹きつけて維持することが不可欠です。Uber では、世界各地で Uber のプラットフォームを利用する人々のために、物事の仕組みを改善する方法を求めて結果を勝ち取りに行く人材を必要としています。誰にでも適している働き方ではないことを理解しています。だからこそ、Uber について、また Uber での働き方について明確にするよう取り組んでいます。
従業員にとって最も大事なことや、キャリアを築くために Uber で長く働く理由を理解するために、従業員からデータを集めています。この分析データを利用し、優勢順位と取り組み方を明確にしています。その結果として、プライド、帰属意識と公平性、成長、報酬、幸福、信用という従業員が求める 6 つのニーズに焦点を当てています。この人材資本を中核とした戦略により、多様な従業員のニーズを考慮し、この重要な分野のそれぞれでエンゲージメントの高い、公平で包括性のある経験を作り続けることを徹底させています。
Civil Rights Assessment
Our goal is to help ensure that people can move freely, equitably, and safely. In support of that goal, and following engagement with shareholders, Uber has undergone a Civil Rights Assessment. The assessment was conducted by Covington & Burling, under the direction of former US Attorney General Eric Holder. It was designed to evaluate our impact on rideshare drivers, communities, and employees in the US, with the intent to promote civil rights and identify areas where we can continue to improve as an equitable and inclusive platform.
Uber の取締役会は、業界トップクラスのコーポレートガバナンスに積極的に取り組み、透明性を確保し、Uber の文化、ガバナンス、企業責任を尊重しながら、株主への責任を果たす義務があると考えています。世界水準の上場企業としてガバナンス体制を築く上で、取締役会の強化と発展を図るべく、経験を重ね、スキルを身につけたさまざまな経歴の持ち主を役員に選出してきました。
Uber の重要課題の評価で特定された ESG 問題は、当社の長期的なビジネスおよびビジネス戦略において重要です。そのため、Uber の取締役会ならびに独立監査役、報酬委員会、指名・ガバナンス委員会が適切に監督しています。
Uber's ESG reporting may contain forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations, which involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted, and reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. Please view our 2024 ESG Report for more.
Greenhouse gas emissions data in Uber's ESG Report has been verified by LRQA. LRQA’s verification statement can be found here.
An overview of Uber's use of carbon offsets can be found here
Uber に ついて