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Uber Pool: earnings explained

29May,2024 / Sydney
Featured image for Uber Pool: earnings explained

We’ve put together this blog post to make it easier for you to understand how your earnings with Uber Pool are calculated.


The Uber Pool service fee is calculated on each trip segment, so that the earnings for the entire trip match that of an equivalent trip with UberX as closely as possible.

Here’s how it works:

  • At the end of your trip, your overall earnings will be the earnings for each trip segment added together, minus any other charges that may apply.
  • Earnings for each trip segment will be the fare for that segment minus the service fee that applies to that segment.
  • Earnings you make with Uber Pool can be understood in a similar way to earnings you make with UberX.

Earning calculations

Because most trips with Uber Pool involve multiple pickups and dropoffs, the fares and earnings for these trips work a little differently than trips with UberX.

Earnings for pickup 1Fare for pickup 1 
– service fee for pickup 1
Earnings for pickup 2Fare for pickup 2 
– service fee for pickup 2
Total earnings for this Uber Pool tripEarnings for pickup 1
+ Earnings for pickup 2

Uber Pool service fee

The Uber Pool service fee helps to keep earnings similar to UberX.

Uber Pool is designed to help you earn the same or more than the equivalent trip with UberX. Trips with Uber Pool that have more than one pickup will give you more earnings overall, on average. To help achieve earnings similar to UberX, we need to vary the service fee for each pickup, or trip segment.

The service fee for each pickup will range from 5% through to 45%.

How the service fee works

Trips with Uber Pool can have multiple pickups and dropoffs with a different service fee applied to each trip segment (see above).. 

This is because with Uber Pool, we try to match your earnings to the equivalent UberX trip.

The service fee for the first pickup on a trip with Uber Pool will normally be the lowest, with the service fees for any additional pickups varying based on things like how many riders are picked up and how much of the trip has multiple riders.

What you’ll see in the app

At the end of the trip, you will see your total earnings for the entire trip with Uber Pool (including all the trip segments) and the overall service fee for that entire trip.

Posted by the Uber team


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