Uber One
Save on Uber and Uber Eats. Try 4 weeks of Uber One for free.
Only R$19.90/mo after. Cancel anytime.
Uber One benefits
R$0 Delivery Fee
R$0 Delivery Fee for eligible orders across groceries, pharma, pet stores and more*.
Top-rated drivers and priority support
Access to top-rated drivers and live support via chat with our best agents
10% in Uber One credits on rides
Earn Uber One credits on eligible rides to use on even more trips and orders*
Uber One Exclusives
Exclusive promotions for members
Thousands of options
Save on your favorite stores
Cancel anytime
Cancel your membership with no additional fees
Members save an average of R$57 per month with Uber One*
 Become a member for just R$19.90 a month.
Use your benefits wherever Uber and Uber Eats are available within the country.
Benefits available for eligible stores marked with the Uber One icon. Minimum order of R$100 to receive R$0 Delivery Fee at participating stores. 10% in Uber One credits upon completion of eligible trips, payments of fees, taxes and similar. These credits expire 60 (sixty) days after being granted and you can find them in the Uber Cash section.
Membership will auto-renew every month (if you choose a monthly membership) or every year (if you choose an annual membership) beginning on your enrollment date, using your selected payment method. To avoid charges: 1) if you are more than 48 hours before your billing day, cancel in the Uber One section of the app by selecting Manage Membership, then End membership, and then confirming you wish to cancel your membership; or 2) if you are within 48 hours of your billing day, contact Support to cancel. Subject to your rights under consumer laws, your recurring payment will not be refundable. See app for availability, fees, terms, and conditions.
Average savings are calculated based on average discounts and the number of member trips per month. Estimated savings do not include subscription price. View additional membership terms and conditions here.