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Your delivery rating from users, explained

Your rating can help you understand what your customers think of you.

Your overall rating is calculated based on the last 100 customer reviews, which can be positive or negative. You can also receive helpful comments from customers.

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How to give, get, and check ratings in the app

1. You can evaluate thee users after you deliver the order.

2. Users can also give you feedback. If someone gives a negative review, the app can ask for more information about why.

3. The app adds the ratings you get into an average that’s displayed to your customers before and during a trip.

4. You can see what your average satisfaction rating is in the app. For more information, tap your profile picture in the menu and then tap the rating under your name.

If you receive a low rating

Sometimes you may receive a low rating from a user for something that was out of your control. Don't worry. A specific low rating will not have a significant impact on your overall average. If you receive low ratings frequently, check out tips shared by top-rated partners. If your rating consistently remains below the average of other partners in your city, you may lose access to the app. For more information, check out the Uber Community Code.

What customers say they appreciate

Customers report that these delivery experience aspects inform their rating:

  • Speed and efficiency

  • Service

  • Handoff

  • Care taken with the delivery

  • Communication


Frequently asked questions

  • If you just started, you’ll be able to see your rating once you’ve received 10 or more ratings from restaurants or customers.

  • If you just started delivering, it’s normal for your average rating to vary over the course of your first few days. This is because there are fewer available trips making up your average. As you complete more and more rated trips, your overall rating will be based on your last 100 rated trips and therefore more stable.

  • Positive feedback from restaurants and customers can improve your rating with each trip.

  • No, you won’t receive a rating for any canceled or unaccepted deliveries.

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